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Protect your Skin this summer.

8th May 2015

Protect your Skin this summer.

If you are going out in the sun this summer, protect your skin and protect the skin of your children!

Childhood sunburns have been strongly linked to the development of skin cancer.  In addition, the warning signs of excessive sun exposure such as redness can take longer to manifest in a child than in an adult.

Tips for protecting your skin:

·         Stay out of the sun if at all possible (especially during the hours 11am-3pm when the sun’s UV rays are at their strongest)

·         Cover up with hats, long trousers and long sleeved clothing

·         Wear sunscreen of at least factor 30 with both UVA and UVB protection-apply at least 30 minutes before going into the sun and reapply regularly

Did you know that there are two doctors here at Elmwood Medical Practice who have a special interest in skin problems? Call now to make an appointment if you have any concerns about your skin.
For more useful tips, follow the link below:

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