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Craniosacral Therapist at Elmwood Medical Practice

29th April 2016

Craniosacral Therapist at Elmwood Medical Practice

Carina Collins is our Craniosacral Therapist at Elmwood Medical Practice. The following is a review from one of the parents whos attended Carina with her child.

Question1. How did you hear about Carina Collins, Craniosacral Therapist at Elmwood Medical Centre?

I heard about Carina Collins through South Terrace medical centre when I could not cope with my newborn daughters crying due to colic.

Question 2. Who did you bring for therapy (ages of children) and why?

Firstly, I brought my newborn baby who was about 4 weeks old. She was diagnosed with colic and after changing her feed and using Infacol she still was not improving. Then I brought my 19 month old because of sleep difficulties.

Question 3. How did children respond (changes/improvements etc)?

My 4 week old baby was all tense and out of alignment, she could not grasp a soother properly and this affected her feeding. A few sessions with Carina and she eased out and calmed down. She now feeds properly and is sleeping - she is a much calmer, happier baby.

My other child had two sessions with Carina and he is much happier also. He would not sleep though the night and would wake every two hours - now he relaxes. Bedtime is not an ordeal and he sleeps through the night, which is amazing and life changing because when he didn't sleep, neither did I.

Question 4. Would you recommend this therapy to other parents whose children are uncomfortable?

Yes I would recommend this therapy, I was a bit sceptical at the start, but I was at my wits end and desperate for anything to make a difference. The sessions do work!

For further information or to book an appointment with Carina at Elmwood - Call Carina at 087 6088065

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