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Eating properly at Exam Time

6th May 2016

Eating properly at Exam Time

Feeding the brain at exam time!

Our Nutritionist at Elmwood Medical Practice Niamh O Connor has given us the following tips for eating during exam time. If you would like to book an appointment with Niamh she runs a clinic every wednesday at Elmwood please contact the surgery to do so on 021 - 4893255

What students eat and drink in the run up to exams can affect their performance. Whilst it is necessary to put in the ‘hours’ studying, it is still important to eat healthily, get fresh air and exercise to help keep a clear and focused mind.

Even though the brain is one of the smallest organs in the body, it still manages to use up to 20% of the energy we need every day! So, keeping a steady supply of glucose (through food) to the brain will help with concentration during both your study and exam times.

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