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13th May 2016




( please contact the reception staff for further information and cost of the vaccine and its administration. 021 - 4893255 )

( The HSE has received additional funding for 2016 to include Meningococcal B (MenB) vaccine in the Primary Childhood Immunisation Programme and proposes introducing it for babies born later in 2016. No date confirmed yet )

What is Bexsero vaccine?

Bexsero is a meningococcal Group B (MenB) vaccine which is indicated for the active

immunisation of individuals against invasive meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria

meningitidis group B.

Bexsero is not a live vaccine.

What age group can Bexsero be given to?

Bexsero is indicated for individuals from 2 months and older.

What is the vaccine dose and site?

The vaccine dose is 0.5ml and the intramuscular site determined by the age

Birth to < 12 months in the thigh

12 to < 36 months in the thigh

Older in the arm

What is the schedule?

The schedule ranges from 2?3 doses as the primary course with a possible booster

depending on the age, to be given one week after the routine baby vaccines

Age group Primary Immunisation Minimum Interval Booster

2 – <6 months Two doses 1 month apart and 1 dose at 12 months of age

6 – <12 months Two doses 2 months apart and 1 dose over 12 months of age

12 ? <24 months Two doses 2 months apart and 1 dose 12 to 23 months after the primary series

2 – <11 years Two doses 2 months apart

11 years and older Two doses 1 month apart

Are there any reasons not to give the vaccine?


· Known hypersensitivity to any of the vaccine constituents including kanamycin and



· Acute severe febrile illness; defer until recovery.

· Bexsero should be administered with caution to individuals with coagulation defects.

If vaccines are given intramuscularly to those with a bleeding disorder or receiving

anticoagulant treatment it is prudent to apply pressure to the vaccine site for 1?2

minutes after the injections. In those with a severe bleeding tendency vaccination can

be scheduled shortly after administration of clotting factor replacement or similar


· Pregnancy: NIAC has stated that the potential risk of vaccination in pregnancy is

unknown. Vaccination should be considered where there is a risk of exposure to

meningococcal infection.

What are the side effects?

Bexsero was licensed in Europe (January 2013), Australia (August 2013) and Canada

(December 2013)

More than half a million doses of Bexsero have been distributed worldwide and the side

effect profile is as follows:

Infants and children up to 10 years

Very common (1/10):

Fever (≥38ºC) tenderness or pain at the injection site, skin rash, sleepiness, irritability,

unusual crying, vomiting, diarrhoea, eating disorders

Uncommon (1/1000, <1/100):

High fever (≥40°C), seizures (including febrile seizures), eczema

Rare (1/10,000, <1/1000):

Kawasaki disease, urticaria

From 11 years and older

Very common (1/10):

Tenderness or pain at the injection site, headache, nausea, myalgia, arthralgia

Should anything be given to reduce the risk of fever?

Yes. Paracetamol has been shown to reduce the incidence and severity of fever in children

under 2 years of age and should be given at the time of or closely after vaccination in this age group.

Note: The studies were only conducted using paracetamol and not ibuprofen.

How long does it take for immunity to develop?

It takes about 2 weeks for immunity to develop but this wanes over time so subsequent
doses are needed to maintain this immunity.

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