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Welcome to our New Doctor

27th May 2016

Welcome to our New Doctor

On behalf of the Elmwood team we would like to welcome of new Doctor to the Practice. Dr Patricia Glavin

Dr. Patricia Glavin graduated from University College Cork in 2004 with an honours MB, BCh, BAO degree. Following graduation she gained experience in paediatrics which is an area of interest for her, completing her MRCPI (Medicine of Childhood) qualification. She went on to complete her GP training in the UCC Training Scheme for General Practice and graduated in 2014.

While training as a GP, she completed a diploma in obstetrics and gynaecology and an advanced certificate in contraception. She is experienced in Implanon, Mirena coil and copper coil insertion and has a special interest in women’s health.

Dr Glavin will be available to book appointments from Tuesday the 7th of June. She is a fantastic addition to the team.

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