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Welcome to our new Physiotherapist

28th January 2017

Welcome to our new Physiotherapist

We would Like to Welcome our New Physiotherapist Niamh Sheehan to Elmwood. She is a fantastic addition to the team. She is available for appointments on Tuesday and Friday mornings. To make an appointment please contact the surgery on 021-4893255. Here is some information in what Niamh specialises in.


Niamh qualified with an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Physiotherapy from Trinity College Dublin in 1998 and has worked for the last 18 years as a Chartered Physiotherapist predominantly in musculoskeletal physiotherapy, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, and sports injuries.

Niamh's clinical experience began in St James Hospital, Dublin and was followed by six years working as a Junior and Senior Physiotherapist in the Bon Secours Hospital Cork, where she gained expertise in the many clinical areas of physiotherapy. For the past 12 years Niamh, has worked in private practice becoming more specialised in musculoskeletal physiotherapy managing a varied clinical workload.

Niamh's interest in musculoskeletal rehabilitation commenced whilst working in the Bon Secours Hospital and her skills as a diagnostic clinician were greatly enhanced after completion of the membership examination in Orthopaedic Medicine and subsequent admittance to the Society of Orthopaedic Medicine in 2002.

Niamh has an interest in biomechanical assessment of the foot and lower limb and has participated in many postgraduate courses in this area leading to an expertise in the prescription of both casted and non-customised orthotic devices. She also has an interest in the rehabilitation of shoulder injuries, both surgical and non-surgical and has undertaken many courses to further develop her skills in this area.

Niamh has qualified as both a Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling clinician and as a certified Kinesio Taping Technique practitioner having completed the required training in both specialties. She is also regularly requested to prepare comprehensive medico legal reports to the Courts in relation to personal injury cases.

At present, Niamh is undertaking a Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise Prescription in Trinity College Dublin. This course aims at providing the clinician with up to date evidence based knowledge on the physical activity guidelines for both young and old and the use of prescribed exercise in both the treatment and prevention of disease.

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