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When reasons for a drink turn into excuses to get drunk

When reasons for a drink turn into excuses to get drunk 29th December 2017

When reasons for a drink turn into excuses to get drunk


 When reasons for a drink turn into excuses to get drunk. See if any sound familiar:
• "I've had a tough day"
• "I haven't got work tomorrow"
• "The sun is shining"
• "I'm out with my mates"
• "I need to get in the mood to socialise"
• "I've got friends coming round"
• "I've just been paid"
• People, places, times can all be triggers to drinking to excess. Understanding your personal triggers can help you break those associations so you can change your behaviour to fit your lifestyle.
• If you’re regularly drinking more than the low risk guidelines (not regularly drinking 14 units a week for both men and women) it could be time to think about the reasons for it and what you can do to cut down.
• See if you recognise yourself often making any of these excuses.

Health Effectsof Alcohol
The short and long-term effects of alcohol can affect your body, lifestyle and mental health. Armed with the facts you can make an informed choice about your drinking. Find what you need on:
• Alcohol's effects on the body
• Alcohol and appearance
• Alcohol and calories
• Alcohol and children and teenagers
• Alcohol-related diseases
• Hangovers
• Alcohol, fertility and pregnancy

Cutting back on alcohol can benefit your health and well-being.


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