News Listing Page
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Running of any length or speed reduces risk of death 1st August 2014

Whether you run 30 minutes a week or two hours a week, your risk of early death will be the same - better than if you don't run. Researchers found that running, no matter the duration or speed, will reduce mortality risk by about 30% compared with non-runners.
Important New Sunbed legislation 25th July 2014

After years of campaigning on this issue by the Irish Cancer Society it is now illegal to allow a person under 18 to use a sunbed.
The Top 10 Things Children Really Want Their Parents To Do With Them 18th July 2014

Featured Lifestyle by Erin Kurt What do you think matters most to your children? You driving them to lessons and practices, or is it the smile and hug you greet them with after school? If you guessed the latter, you are correct.
Coeliac Disease 15th July 2014

Coeliac disease is an disorder where people react to the gluten contained in wheat, barley and rye.
Hay fever Prevention 9th May 2014

Hay fever season is just getting underway. It's important to start preventative treatment now to keep your symptoms under control.
Diabetes Xpert Course 5th May 2014

Do you have Diabetes managed on a Diet alone or combination of diet and tablets? If so you may be interested in a FREE course offered by HSE dietitians.
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